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Religious School Scholarship Application 23-24


Parents/guardians of the student(s) must be a Temple Sinai member in good-standing with the synagogue.

Registration process for Religious School must be complete.

As awards are needs-based, applicants are asked to complete an Application Process.

Scholarship amounts are dependent upon the quantity of requests.

Please submit your scholarship request as soon as possible. Deadline for submission is August 31, 2022.

Determination and notification will occur prior to the start of school.

Financial adjustments are applicable for tuition only and will be applied to the member’s account.

To apply:

In the box below, please compose a narrative discussing the reason(s) you are applying for financial assistance. Thank you.

I agree to the Scholarship Application terms.

I agree to the terms outlined above in the Temple Sinai Religious School Scholarship application. 

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785